A.Plan of InvestigationHitler?s close to invade Russia 66 geezerhood ago shocked not exclusively the Russians with whom he had signed a non-aggression pact carving up Poland nearly two geezerhood previously, just popright also to the human being at cosmic. Hitler up to this metre had been a common coldly calculated man, and his biggest gamble harmonize to Hitler himself was the encroachment of the Rhineland on March 7, 1936. Historians thus incur long been argued everyplace the logic behind his decision to launch the assault on the USSR that take Ger umteen an new(prenominal)(prenominal) to a two-front struggle. In a provocative charge, world renowned Parkinson?s indis invest medical specialist Dr. Abraham Lieberman make the affirm that Hitler?s Parkinson?s indisposition was liable for ?changing the unit of measurement course of instantaneousruction of terra firma war II.? This investigation is aimed to examine the chance that it was Hitler?s health that led to such a massive decision, starkly illustrating the idea of a ?Great Man? manipulating the course of history. Foc victimisation on the terminus Hitler?s apparent Parkinson?s complaint played a role in the decision-making whitethorn fork up a lavish-blooded ground to determine if act Barbarossa was indeed inevitable using records by Hitler?s medico and book by Dr. Lieberman briny sources. B.Summary of Evidence1.Mein Kampf: Hitler?s Aimsa.To abolish the accord of VersaillesMilitarily, Treaty of Versailles limited the German army to 100,000 men, conscription abolished, and tanks and aircrafts were prohibited. However, Hitler proclaimed rearmament in 1935 and was go taboo-of-door un visited, and Anglo-German naval agreement was signed in the same year. Further much, Rhineland was concur to be demilitarized in the Treaty of Versailles. However, on March 7, 1936, Hitler parliamentary procedureed the invasion of the Rhineland, and it was re militarized. confederac y of Nations did no carcass to punish him. ! Addition each in ally, Anschluss was prohibited in the Treaty, notwithstanding in 1938, Hitler set up his promise in verbalise Mein Kampf, ?German-Austria must return to the cracking German mother country,? the League did not punish him. b.To embroil all German-speaking mickle in the Third Reich and LebensraumBecause of the Anglo-French insurance policy of appeasement, from 1936 to 1939, Ger numerous gradually annexed its adjoining area?from Rhineland to Austria, to Sudetenland and Czechoslovakia. Finally, when Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, Britain and France tell war on Germany, marking the beginning of earth War II. According to Record, ? creation War II could cede been avoided had the democracies been alert to stop Hitler?s remilitarization of the Rhineland in 1936 or to adjure for Czechoslovakia in 1938; instead, they did nothing.?2.Ideologies differences amidst the Soviet Russia (Communism) and the national socialist Germany (Fascism)Communism a nd fascism are kindred in that some(prenominal) were determined to destroy parliamentary commonwealth and its bourgeois values, and flip it with different political systems based on single company rule. They differed in the following aspects. Firstly, on the ideologic front, socialism has a systematic doctrine with clear origins, whereas, fascism loses persistent and disciplined ideologic structures. Its main theories are based on the two fascist leaders? works according to Todd (214-217) as shown in Mussolini?s article in Encyclopedia Italiana and Hitler?s Mein Kampf. Secondly, theoretical communism was grounded on internationalism; contradictorily, fascism focused on glorifying the nation and job for national rebirth. Thirdly, attitudes towards the severalize and its citizens are basically different. Communism suggests state should ?wither away? as in short as the workers had taken power, but in fascism, state should be everything, and individual hold no importance wh en comparing to state. Fourthly, horizontal though b! oth detest capitalism, communism was committed to terminate capitalism, but fascist government never promised to destroy capitalism. 3.Hitler?s medical checkup HistoryHitler was a ?pronounced hypochondriac,? it was evident from the fact that since ?his earliest y extincth he rarely traveled with appear his medicine console and willingly believed himself incapable of survival without pills, injections and battalions of attendant doctors.? During the First universe War, Hitler modify his leg and was temporarily blinded by British gas pedal round off. In his later life, it was said that he suffered from many different medical issues, e.g. skin lesions, irritable bowel syndrome and spot heartbeats. It was even rumored that he had syphilis because Dr. Morell, Hitler?s close to certain(p) doc, was a renowned venerologist. However, there is no concrete deduction that supports Hitler was definitely suffering from syphilis, but it was sure that his health slipped as World W ar II came to an end. He had tremors in his hands, his body was stiff, and he could not travel briskly as before. His manus became scrawnier and smaller (Appendix A), he was more lethargic and seldom push throughed in front of the public. 4.Parkinson?s sickness?Parkinson?s disease was attain by James Parkinson in 1817 as a ? boot palsy?,? and it is a ?chronic, progressive neurodegenerative disease caused by rock-bottom production of dopamine,? and the lack of dopamine ?disrupts [patients?] motor control, causing anything from seditious tremor to muscular stiffness to slow as-molasses motions.? As the disease progresses, patients will ?develop a peculiar shuffling go and may suddenly freeze in space for healthy proceeding or hours at a time.? The criteria to diagnose Parkinson?s disease from the Core Assessment Program for Intracerebral Transplantations (CAPIT) ? confine a bun in the oven a patient to have at to the lowest degree two of its quaternity cardinal s ymptoms: resting tremor, bradykinesia, cogwheel rigid! ity and postural inst readiness and at least ace of the symptoms must be resting tremor or bradykinesia.?C.Evaluation of Sources-Irving, David. The Secret Diaries of Hitler?s Doctor. London, fall in commonwealth: Focal betoken Publications, 2005. Dr. Theodor Morell was Hitler?s understandingal and approximately carteled physician from 1937 coin bank the end of April in 1945 Hitler did not comparable doctors to see his body. exactly ?Morell seems to have examined him in detail.? Besides persist ining the level of trust Hitler had in him, the passing medical diaries provide invaluable information and the most authentic records regarding to Hitler?s health. David Irving, ?knows more or so National socialism [Nazism] then most professional scholars in his field.? His breadth of cognition in the survey has been acknowledged over the past 25 years. However, he is now arrested for distorting history. History prof Michael Greyer of the University of Chicago ?believes th at Irving?s bias is obligated for serious ?flaws in his work,?? while Professor Lipstadt ?had written that Irving was ?one of the most dangerous spokes persons for final solution denial.?? Irving is a knowledgeable Nazi historian, although his bias in the Holocaust made him controversial and his opinions untrustworthy, he can still provide recyclable information regarding to Hitler?s health. However, it is also questionable as in how Irving chose the excerpts of Morells?s diaries: what was left(p) field out, and how important was the left out information. -Lieberman, Abraham N. ?Hitler, Parkinson?s complaint and History.? BNI quarterly 11 (1996). 31 Jan 2007 Dr. Abraham Lieberman is an authority and an ?internationally recognized adroit on Parkinson disease and is the author of sestet books on the topic.? sequence his diagnoses are worthy of respect, he is only in the position to focus on the question about whether Hitler had Parkinson?s disease through eye-witness repor ts, photos and the forward-lookingsreels. He does no! t appear to offer other possibilities which could cause Hitler?s Parkinson?s symptoms. For example, universal Anxiety overthrow (GAD) is caused by excessive anxiety and dread for at least 6 months, and the symptoms include fatigue, irritability, muscle strain and depressive symptoms. There is a possibility that Hitler was suffering from GAD than Parkinson?s disease, and his anxiety could be caused by the war pressure and black lotion attempts. His attempts at diagnosing Hitler are based on the skimp and unreliable information available, dismissing diagnoses when there is too little try out (much of which is hotly debated by Hitler scholars) or the known symptoms are inconclusive, although given that there is so little information and that neither Hitler nor anyone budge him is a reliable source, it is still primarily speculation. D.AnalysisDr. Morell had never explicitly stated that Hitler was a Parkinson?s disease (PD) sufferer. However, he had subjected Hitler to d aily doses of Homburg-680, a belladonna-type drug specifically indicated in cases of PD in Hitler?s last two weeks of life in April 1945. By then, he was demonstrating serious PD symptoms: ?right hand quiver uncontrollably?[and his facial expression was] mask-like.? This was resonant in Albert Speer?s memoirs, where one year before he noticed that ?Hitler was shrivelling up like an old man. His limbs trembled, he walked stooped with dragging footsteps?His uniform, which in the past he had kept scrupulously neat? was surface by the food he had eaten with a shaking hand.? In fact, Schellenberg maintains that ?from the end of 1943 [Hitler] showed progressive symptoms of Parkinson?s disease.? Bullock (who wrote the introduction to my conversion of Schellenberg) in his own book uses Guderian to support this view. Redlich goes as cold as to state matter-of-factly that Hitler suffered two somatic illnesses, ?temporal arteritis? and PD. Hitler true PD symptoms as early as 19 34, ?the initial symptom, bradykinesia of his left ar! m.? As Lieberman said, these symptoms ?strongly suggest? that Hitler did have PD. Lieberman also pointed out that ?Professor Maximilian de Crinis, a German neurologist, after seeing a German newsreel in 1944 and without examining Hitler, informed W. Schellenberg, Himmler?s Chief of Staff, that Hitler had Parkinson?s disease.? Here we have the first example found of soul during Hitler?s lifetime reaching such a conclusion. Ironically, the person who apparently first diagnosed Hitler with PD was not even a personal acquaintance. Could it have been possible that Hitler and his physicians sought to inter up Hitler?s tremor because ?Tremor, in the public mind, is erroneously associated with senility? ?

For instance, in an earlier example of physical infirmity, when he had an attempt of hysterical blindness several weeks after being wound by poison gas in the trenches, his miraculous recovery of his sight added with auditory hallucinations contributed to Hitler?s delusions. This shows how he took steps to cover up the episode. Furthermore, Morell continue testing new methods on Hitler with many different kinds of medicine and injections. ?Morell administered tablets and gragess, uppers and downers, leeches and bacilli, hot compresses and cold poultices, and literally thousands of injections-litres of smutch fluids that were squirted into his grateful and gullible Fuhrer each year, whose arms were punctured so often that even Morell sometimes could not find anywhere to insert the needle into the scarred veins.? With such a bouffant amount and variety of medicines, Hitler?s tremor or ill could be coreed from the reaction between these medicines. Although Morell! had mostly prescribed clear medicines to Hitler, it is unknown what could the mixture of these harmless medicines do to a patient. Furthermore, Hitler had reasons to be stressed after Operation Barbarossa in 1941 because it was now having a two-front war. The combination of the stress coming from the reverses at Stalingrad and the July Plot with all the medicine he took and injected daily could cause side tack together and affect the Fuhrer?s health and mental capacity, which might result in the symptoms of PD. E. ConclusionAll the evidence seems to point to the conclusion that Hitler was very in all probability a sufferer of PD. ?Although the disease did not incapacitate Hitler mentally, tremors, and the lack of muscular control must have impeded his ability to mange the many details involved in directing the war.? At that time, being told as a PD sufferer was to have a sentence of death imposed. Without enchant and effective medicine at that time, he would have had quadrup let years to take on his plans as laid out in Mein Kampf. This would certainly have affected Hitler?s decision in attacking the Soviet Union on 22 June, 1941. F. BibliographyBooks in Print1. Brezina, Corona. The Treaty of Versailles, 1919. newly York, U.S.A.: The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., 2006. 2. Broxmeyer, Lawrence. Parkinson?s another(prenominal) Look. Chula Vista, U.S.A.: freshly speed of light Press, 2002. 3. Bullock, Alan. Hitler and Stalin: agree Lives. London, united landed estate: Fontana Press, 1998. 4. Bullock, Alan. Hitler: A Study in Tyranny. saucily York, U.S.A.: Harper & path Publishers, 1964. 5. Dull, Ralph. Nonviolence Is Not For Wimps. U.S.A.: Xlibris Corporation, 2004. 6. Dunn, Walter Scott. Heroes or Traitors: The German Replacement Army, the July Plot, and Adolf Hitler. Connecticut, U.S.A.: Praeger Publishers, 2003. 7. Gottfried, Ted. 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Mera, Steven L. Understanding Disease: pathology and prevention. London, United Kingdom: Nelson Thornes, 2003. 16. Nutt, David, Karl Rickels, and Dan J. Stein. Generali zed Anxiety Disorder: Symptomatology, Pathogenesis and Management. London, United Kingdom: Martin Dunitz, 2002. 17. Pleshakov, Constantine. Stalin?s Folly: the tragic first ten days of World War II on the Eastern Front. New York, U.S.A.: Houghton Mifflin Books, 2005. 18. Plotnik, Rod. launching to Psychology. Belmont, U.S.A.: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1999. 19. Record, Jeffrey. Appeasement Reconsidered: Investigating the Mythology of the 1930s. U.S.A.:DIANE Publishing., 2005. 20. Saunders, Christopher D, and Kathleen Cahill Allison. Parkinson?s Disease: A New Hope. Boston, U.S.A.: Harvard Health Publications, 2000. 21. Schellenberg, Walter, and Louis Hagen. The Schellenberg Memoirs. A Deutsch, 1956. 22. Todd, Allan. The European Dictatorships: Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2002. 23. Victor, George. Hitler: pathology of Evil. Virginia, U.S.A.: Brassey?s, 2000. Book Online1.Hitler, Adolf. Mein Kampf. 1st ed. Vol. 1. 18 Mar. 2007 . Journal obligate Online1. Lieberman, Abraham N. Hi! tler, Parkinson?s Disease and History. BNI Quarterly 11 (1996). 31 Jan. 2007 . Website1. about the Author(S). Jones and Bartlett Publishers. 26 Feb. 2007 . G.Appendixhttp://rexcurry.net/swastika-socialism4.gif If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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